Everyone’s life has a story to tell. My family, friends, identity, and culture are more than just characters worth writing about — our shared memories evoke laughter and tears that transcend through all life experiences and US history. Gracias a mis padres por esta maravillosa vida…

SanTana's Fairy Tales
ISBN: 978-0-692-86030-4
Raspa Magazine
"A gorgeously written collection of strong stories that blend Mexican and European folklore with the realities of contemporary America." -- Kirkus
Barrio Writers
ISBN: 978-1-622-88167-3
In this day and age of hopelessness and alternate facts I take much courage in the acts of these brave and brilliant youth with their stories in tact, who are the now and the future. Barrio Writers are balm for our souls that fear and reject a future full of lies and morally bankrupt leaders. Their voices are those of the ancestors who’ve come back to assure us we shall indeed survive. -- Odilia Galván Rodríguez
Speculative Fiction
for Dreamers
Forthcoming 2021
Ohio State University Press
"Speculative Fiction for Dreamers brilliantly runs the gamut of visual, oral, and textual storytelling, creating magical wormholes that link indigenous past to place-rooted present, imagined futures, and the abode of syncretic gods." -- David Bowles
pariahs: writing from outside the margins
ISBN: 978-0-692-86030-4​
"A roiling mass of poets and artists is beginning to push down the groomed fences. Not straight outta Princeton, not ordained in Iowa, like Zapatistas they come from "lesser," distant backgrounds and darker urban streets far from that all-is-perfect center, armed with passion, demanding that their stories be heard." -- Dagoberto Gilb
Las Niñas
ISBN: 978-1-888-20509-1
Floricanto Press
In Las Ninas Sarah Rafael Garcia chronicles her coming of age in Orange County, California in the 1980s and 90s. Sustained by genuine love for her family and her culture, readers witness her developing sense of self as she begins to journey into a world that both welcomes and challenges her. A compelling narrative from a new voice in Chicana literature. -- Lisa Alvarez